Java Fundamentals:
- Java for Selenium: How much Java is required?
- Java Variables and Data types
- Operators in Java
- Control flow statements- If and switch case Statements
- Java loop Statements
- Modifiers in Java
- String Class and Built in Methods in Java
- Why String is Immutable in Java?
- Array In Java
Java OOPS Concept:
- OOP Concept - Class and Objects
- Methods in Java
- Inheritance in Java
- Polymorphism in Java
- Abstraction and Interface in Java
- Encapsulation in Java
- Constructors in Java
- static Keyword in Java
- this Keyword in Java
- super Keyword in Java
Collection Framework in Java:
- Introduction to Collection Framework in Java
- ArrayList in Java
- LinkedList in Java
- Vector and Stack Class in Java
- Queue and Set Interface in Java
- Map Interface in Java
Java Miscellaneous Topics:
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