SQL Functions:
In this article, we will explore various SQL functions and Convert Date formats to use in writing SQL queries.
SYSDATETIME() - to get current system date
GETUTCDATE() - to get current UTC date
GETDATE() - to get current system date
DATEDIFF() - Diff between two dates
DATEPART() - to get some part of date for example - if you want to retrieve year part (2020) from date 12/09/2020
SQL Convert Date Formats:
We can use the SQL CONVERT() function in SQL Server to format DateTime in various formats.
Syntax for the SQL CONVERT() function is as follows.
SELECT CONVERT (data_type(length)),Date, DateFormatCode)
Data_Type: We need to define data type along with length. In the date function, we use Varchar(length) data types
Date: We need to specify the date that we want to convert
DateFormatCode: We need to specify DateFormatCode to convert a date in an appropriate form. We will explore more on this in the upcoming section
Employee Detail table:
Select * from EmployeeDetail
--1. Show "JoiningDate" in "dd mmm yyyy" format, ex- "15 Mar 2020" SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),JoiningDate,106) AS ResultDateFormat FROM EmployeeDetail --2. Show "JoiningDate" in "yyyy/mm/dd" format, ex- "2013/02/21" SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),JoiningDate,111) AS ResultDateFormat FROM EmployeeDetail --3. Show only time part of the "JoiningDate". ex- hh:mm: ss SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),JoiningDate,108) AS ResultDateFormat FROM EmployeeDetail --4. Get only Year part of "JoiningDate". SELECT DATEPART(YEAR,JoiningDate) AS ResultDateFormat FROM EmployeeDetail --5. Get only Month part of "JoiningDate". SELECT DATEPART(MM,JoiningDate) AS ResultDateFormat FROM EmployeeDetail --6. Get only Day part of "JoiningDate". SELECT DATEPART(DD,JoiningDate) AS ResultDateFormat FROM EmployeeDetail --7. Get system date. SELECT SYSDATETIME() SELECT GETDATE() --8. Get UTC date. SELECT GETUTCDATE() /*--9. Get the first name, current date, joiningdate and diff between current date and joining date in months. */ SELECT FirstName,GETDATE() AS [Current Date], JoiningDate ,DATEDIFF(MM,JoiningDate,GETDATE()) AS TotalMonths FROM EmployeeDetail /*--10.Get the first name, current date, joiningdate and diff between current date and joining date in days.*/ SELECT FirstName,GETDATE() AS [Current Date], JoiningDate ,DATEDIFF(DD,JoiningDate,GETDATE()) AS TotalDays FROM EmployeeDetail --11. Get all employee details from EmployeeDetail table whose joining year is 2008. SELECT * FROM EmployeeDetail WHERE DATEPART(YYYY,JoiningDate)='2008' --12. Get all employee details from EmployeeDetail table whose joining month is Jan(1). SELECT * FROM EmployeeDetail WHERE DATEPART(MM,JoiningDate)='1' /*--13.Get all employee details from EmployeeDetail table whose joining date between "2008-01-01" and "2010-12-01".*/ SELECT * FROM EmployeeDetail WHERE JoiningDate BETWEEN '2008-01-01' AND '2010-12-01'
Please refer below YouTube video for more detail explanation: