What is a build tool?
The build tool is used to set up everything which is required to run your java code independently. It generates source code, compiling code, packaging code to a jar etc.
Maven is a build / project management tool, based on the concept of a project object model (POM) contains information of project and configuration information for the maven to build the project such as dependencies, build directory, source directory, test source directory, plugin, goals etc.
Maven provides a common platform to perform these activities which makes programmer’s life easier while handling the huge project.
Common problems:
1. Problem of multiple jars – let’s say we are using a couple of frameworks in our code, for instance selenium server, testNG , JXL or POI library etc. In order to use these frameworks within my application I need to include all the required jars in my application, I need to make them available.
Sometimes we miss out on some jars, sometimes we don’t know what jars are needed. So MAVEN helps us on this aspect.
2. Dependencies and Versions – Let’s say we have a particular jar and that jar has a dependency on other jar. Then I need to make sure that all my dependencies are closed, I need to make sure I have supplied all the required dependencies.
Maven provides pom.xml which is the core of any project. This is the configuration file where all required information’s are kept.
Maven downloads the dependency jar from a central repository. Most of the commonly used libraries are available in https://mvnrepository.com/repos/central.
The user has to configure the remote repository in pom.xml to download from the remote repository. Below is the example of configuring a remote repository to pom.xml file. Provide id and URL of the repository where libraries are stored.
Uses in Selenium:
We can create Maven project for writing script and create dependency-using POM.xml once dependency is set Maven will download all the dependent jar files automatically and in future if any update comes from Selenium or TestNG side it will simply update all the required changes.
General Phrases used in Maven:
groupId: Generally groupId refers to domain id. For best practices company name is used as groupId. It identifies the project uniquely.
artifactId: It is basically the name of the Jar without version.
version: This tag is used to create a version of the project.
Local repository: Maven downloads all the required dependencies and stores in the local repository called m2.
Maven Build Life Cycle:
Basic maven phases are used as below.
3. Extract the File, and place it in C: drive.
7. How to verify Maven eclipse plugin is installed:
The build tool is used to set up everything which is required to run your java code independently. It generates source code, compiling code, packaging code to a jar etc.
Maven is a build / project management tool, based on the concept of a project object model (POM) contains information of project and configuration information for the maven to build the project such as dependencies, build directory, source directory, test source directory, plugin, goals etc.
Maven provides a common platform to perform these activities which makes programmer’s life easier while handling the huge project.
Common problems:
1. Problem of multiple jars – let’s say we are using a couple of frameworks in our code, for instance selenium server, testNG , JXL or POI library etc. In order to use these frameworks within my application I need to include all the required jars in my application, I need to make them available.
Sometimes we miss out on some jars, sometimes we don’t know what jars are needed. So MAVEN helps us on this aspect.
2. Dependencies and Versions – Let’s say we have a particular jar and that jar has a dependency on other jar. Then I need to make sure that all my dependencies are closed, I need to make sure I have supplied all the required dependencies.
Maven downloads the dependency jar from a central repository. Most of the commonly used libraries are available in https://mvnrepository.com/repos/central.
The user has to configure the remote repository in pom.xml to download from the remote repository. Below is the example of configuring a remote repository to pom.xml file. Provide id and URL of the repository where libraries are stored.
Uses in Selenium:
We can create Maven project for writing script and create dependency-using POM.xml once dependency is set Maven will download all the dependent jar files automatically and in future if any update comes from Selenium or TestNG side it will simply update all the required changes.
General Phrases used in Maven:
groupId: Generally groupId refers to domain id. For best practices company name is used as groupId. It identifies the project uniquely.
artifactId: It is basically the name of the Jar without version.
version: This tag is used to create a version of the project.
Local repository: Maven downloads all the required dependencies and stores in the local repository called m2.
Maven Build Life Cycle:
Basic maven phases are used as below.
- clean: deletes all artifacts and targets which are created already.
- compile: used to compile the source code of the project.
- test: test the compiled code and these tests do not require to be packaged or deployed.
- package: package is used to convert your project into a jar or war etc.
- install: install the package into the local repository for use of another project.
How to Install and Setup Maven
1. To setup Maven, download the maven’s latest version form Apache depending upon different OS.
Link: http://maven.apache.org/download.cgi
2. Download required as per OS.
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Apache Maven |
3. Extract the File, and place it in C: drive.
Rename the file from Apache Maven (version) to simple Maven for just usability.
C:\Program Files\Maven.
4. Once we have downloaded, all that we are now left to do before start using MAVEN is set a couple of environment variables. To do that, right click Computer >> Properties >> Advanced >> Environment Variables.
5. First you need to set the new variable as "MAVEN_HOME" and provide the path where the Maven is stored in C drive (as above mentioned C:\Program Files\Maven).
Next we need to add the bin folder to the Path. Select the Path in System variables and Click on Edit.
Add the path of the Maven Build Folder as %MAVEN_HOME%/bin or simply as (C:\Program Files\Maven\bin).
6. There we go, we are set and ready to hit MAVEN commands. So, firstly lets test to see if MAVEN is working fine. A simple MAVEN command is mvn --version.
7. How to verify Maven eclipse plugin is installed:
In Eclipse Navigate to Help--> Install new software
And as per below image click on already installed link and verify the eclipse maven plugin is present as per second image.
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Eclipse Maven Plugin |
Please refer below YouTube video:
Maven Part1:
Maven Part2:
Maven Part1:
Maven Part2:
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