1.What do we mean by Selenium 1, Selenium 2 and Selenium 3?
Answer: Earlier
Selenium 1 used to be the major project of Selenium.
Selenium 1 = Selenium IDE + Selenium RC + Selenium Grid
Later Selenium Team has decided to merge both Selenium
WebDriver and Selenium RC to form a more powerful Selenium tool.
They both got merged to form “Selenium 2”
“Selenium WebDriver” was the core of “Selenium 2” and
“Selenium RC” used to run in maintenance mode.
Hence Selenium 2 = Selenium IDE + Selenium WebDriver 2.x +
Selenium Grid.
“Selenium 2” released on July 8, 2011.
Selenium team has decided to completely remove the
dependency for Selenium RC.
After 5 years, “Selenium 3" was released on October 13,
2016 with a major change, which is the original Selenium Core implementation
and replacing it with one backed by WebDriver and lot more improvements.
Hence Selenium 3 = Selenium IDE + Selenium WebDriver 3.x +
Selenium Grid.
After 3 years from it’s a major release, now Selenium has
put out its first alpha version of Selenium 4 on Apr 24, 2019. Still, there is
no official announcement about the release date of Selenium 4, but we are
expecting it around October 2019. Till that there can be several alpha or beta
versions released time to time with stabilization.
2. When should I use Selenium Grid?
Answer: Selenium Grid
is a part of the Selenium Suite that specializes in running multiple tests
across different browsers, operating systems, and machines in parallel.
You should use Selenium Grid when you want to do either one
or both of following:
1.For Parellel Testing - Run your tests against different
browsers, operating systems, and machines all at the same time. This will
ensure that the application you are Testing is fully compatible with a wide
range of browser-O.S combinations.
2. Save time in the execution of your test suites. If you
set up Selenium Grid to run, say, 4 tests at a time, then you would be able to
finish the whole suite around 4 times faster.
3. What are the different types of drivers available in
Answer: Drivers are
required for different types of browsers.
Here is the list of different types of drivers available in
Selenium WebDriver.
- FirefoxDriver
- InternetExplorerDriver
- ChromeDriver
- SafariDriver
- OperaDriver
- AndroidDriver
- IPhoneDriver
- HTMLUnitDriver
4. Is WebDriver a class or interface?
Answer: WebDriver is
an Interface,and we are defining a reference variable(driver) whose type is an
interface. Now any object we assign to it must be an instance of a
class(FireFoxDriver) that implements the interface. Whenever we use Selenium for automation ,the first line of
our Program starts with the code to invoke Fire Fox Driver
WebDriver driver = new FireFoxDriver();
5. What is the super interface of WebDriver ?
Answer: SearchContext
is the super most interface in selenium, which is extended by another interface
called WebDriver. All the abstract methods of SearchContext and WebDriver
interfaces are implemented in RemoteWebDriver class.
6. Is FirefoxDriver a class or interface?
Answer: FirefoxDriver
is a class that has been written specifically for the Firefox browser. It has
methods that are implemented and it can be instantiated. It can perform all
functions (or methods) on the Firefox browser as defined in the interface
7. Why do we create a reference variable ‘driver’ of type
WebDriver and what is the purpose of its creation?
Answer: Having a
reference variable of type WebDriver allows us to assign the driver object to
different browser specific drivers. Thus allowing multi-browser testing by
assigning the driver object to any of the desired browser.
8. Explain the line of code WebDriver driver = new
Answer: WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
We can create Object of a class FirefoxDriver by taking
reference of an interface (WebDriver). In this case, we can call implemented
methods of WebDriver interface.
As per the above statement, we are creating an instance of
the WebDriver interface and casting it to FirefoxDriver Class. All other
Browser Drivers like ChromeDriver, InternetExplorerDriver, PhantomJSDriver,
SafariDriver etc implemented the WebDriver interface (actually the
RemoteWebDriver class implements WebDriver Interface and the Browser Drivers
extends RemoteWebDriver). Based on this statement, you can assign Firefox
driver and run the script in Firefox browser (any browser depends on your
9. What are the different types of navigation commands in
Answer: Browser
Navigation Commands:
WebDriver provides some basic Browser Navigation Commands
that allows the browser to move backwards or forwards in the browser's history.
1. Navigate To:
Method - String to(String arg0)
In WebDriver, this method loads a new web page in the
existing browser window. It accepts String as parameter and returns void. The
respective command to load/navigate a new web page can be written as:
2. Backward:
Method - void back()
This method enables the web browser to click on the back
button in the existing browser window. It neither accepts anything nor returns
anything. The respective command that takes you back by one page on the
browser's history can be written as:
3. Forward:
Method - void forward()
This method enables the web browser to click on the forward
button in the existing browser window. It neither accepts anything nor returns
anything. The respective command that takes you forward by one page on the
browser's history can be written as:
4. Refresh:
Method - void refresh()
In WebDriver, this method refresh/reloads the current web
page in the existing browser window. It neither accepts anything nor returns
anything. The respective command that takes you back by one page on the
browser's history can be written as:
Complete article: https://www.automationtestinginsider.com/2019/10/webdriver-commands.html
10. What are the different types of waits available in
Answer: Please refer
complete article here
11. What is the difference between driver.close() and
driver.quit() commands?
Answer: driver.
quit() is used to exit the browser, end the session, tabs, pop-ups etc. But the
when you driver. close(), only the window that has focus is closed.
12. Can Selenium Automate Desktop Applications?
Answer: Selenium does
not have the capability to automate the desktop applications.It cannot
recognize the objects in a desktop application. Selenium drives the testing
using the driver object that identifies the elements on screen using id,
cssselector, xpath etc. which are not present in a desktop app.
13. What is the difference between Assert and Verify
Answer: In case of
the “Assert” command, as soon as the validation fails the execution of that
particular test method is stopped and the test method is marked as failed.
Whereas, in case of “Verify”, the test method continues execution even after
the failure of an assertion statement.
We use Assert when we have to validate critical
functionality, failing of which makes the execution of further statements
irrelevant. Hence, the test method is aborted as soon as failure occurs.
public void assertionTest(){
//Assertion Passing
Assert.assertTrue(1+2 == 3);
System.out.println("Passing 1");
//Assertion failing
Assert.fail("Failing second assertion");
System.out.println("Failing 2");
Passing 1
FAILED: assertionTest
java.lang.AssertionError: Failing second assertion
At times, we might require the test method to continue
execution even after the failure of the assertion statements. In TestNG, Verify
is implemented using SoftAssert class.
In case of SoftAssert, all the statements in the test method
are executed (including multiple assertions).
public void softAssertionTest(){
//Creating softAssert object
SoftAssert softAssert = new SoftAssert();
//Assertion failing
softAssert.fail("Failing first assertion");
System.out.println("Failing 1");
//Assertion failing
softAssert.fail("Failing second assertion");
System.out.println("Failing 2");
//Collates the assertion results and marks test as pass or fail
Failing 1
Failing 2
FAILED: softAssertionTest
java.lang.AssertionError: The following asserts failed:
Failing first assertion,
Failing second assertion
Here, we can see that even though both the test methods are
bound to fail, still the test continues to execute.
14. Can Captcha be automated using Selenium?
Answer: No. CAPTCHA
can be automated if you are able to decode the image using OCR (Optical
Character Recognition). For that, one will need to write complex algorithm to
sort out the image pattern and has to be an expert in image pattern mapping as
well. But images with the passage of time have become progressively more
unreadable, therefore reducing the very chances of CAPTCHA automation.
15. What is Object Repository and how can we create an
Object Repository in Selenium?
Answer: An object
repository is a common storage location for all objects. In Selenium WebDriver
context, objects would typically be the locators used to uniquely identify web
The major advantage of using object repository is the
segregation of objects from test cases. If the locator value of one webelement
changes, only the object repository needs to be changed rather than making
changes in all test cases in which the locator has been used. Maintaining an
object repository increases the modularity of framework implementation.
An object repository is a common storage location for all
objects. In Selenium WebDriver context, objects would typically be the locators
used to uniquely identify web elements.
The major advantage of using object repository is the
segregation of objects from test cases. If the locator value of one webelement
changes, only the object repository needs to be changed rather than making
changes in all test cases in which the locator has been used. Maintaining an
object repository increases the modularity of framework implementation.
A property file stores information in a Key-Value pair. Key
value pair is represented by two string values separated by the equal to sign.
There are two ways to create object repository in Selenium:
1. any companies also use Page Object Model to store all
locators which also make the test in a readable format. Depends on your current
framework style you can adopt any of these. Personally, I use Page Object Model
using PageFactory which make my test more readable and in terms of performance
as well.
2. Using Properties file, Ex: ObjectRepo.peroperties
16. What
are the types of WebDriver API’s that are supported/available in Selenium?
Answer: Please refer answer of question#108
17. Which WebDriver implementation claims to be the fastest?
Answer: The fastest
implementation of WebDriver is the HTMLUnitDriver. It is because the
HTMLUnitDriver does not execute tests in the browser and also called as a
Headless browser.
18. What is the difference between Soft Assert and Hard
Assert in Selenium?
Answer: Please refer
answer of question#13
19. What are the verification points available in Selenium?
Answer: Here some
examples of verification
To check if element is enabled or not
To check if element is displayed or not
To check if element is selected or not
To check if element is currently active or not on the page
20. Is Selenium Server needed to run Selenium WebDriver
Answer: In case of Selenium
WebDriver, it does not require to start Selenium Server for executing test
scripts. Selenium WebDriver makes the calls between browser & automation
script. Selenium WebDriver has native support for each browser to supports Test
Automation; on the same machine (both Selenium WebDriver Automation tests &
browsers are on same machine.
21. What are the different ways for refreshing the page
using Selenium WebDriver?
Answer: 1) Refresh
command: The most commonly used and simple command for refreshing a webpage.
2) SendKeys command: Second most commonly used command for
refreshing a webpage. As it is using a send keys method, we must use this on
any Text box on a webpage.
// Element "q" is a Seach Text box on gogle
3) Get command: This is a tricky one, as it is using another
command as an argument to it. If you look carefully, it is just feeding get
command with a page URL.
4) To command: This command is again using the same above
concept. navigate( ).to( ) is feeding with a page URL and an argument.
5) SendKeys command: This is the same SendKeys command but
instead of using Key, it is using ASCII code.
22. What is the difference between driver.getWindowHandle()
and driver.getWinowHandles() in Selenium WebDriver and their return type?
Answer: The main
difference between driver.getWindowHandle() and driver.getWindowHandles() are
driver.getWindowHandle() is used to handle single window
i.e. main window and driver.getWindowHandles() is used to handle multiple
driver.getWindowHandle() return type is string and
driver.getWindowHandles() return type is Set<string>.
23. What is JavascriptExecutor and in which case
JavascriptExecutor will help in Selenium automation?
Answer: JavaScriptExecutor is used when Selenium
Webdriver fails to click on any element due to some issue. JavaScriptExecutor provides two methods
"executescript" & "executeAsyncScript" to handle. Executed the JavaScript using Selenium Webdriver.
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
24. List some scenarios which we cannot automate using
Selenium WebDriver?
Answer: 1.Pop-up
When a simple, prompt, or confirmation alert pops-up, it can
be difficult to automate it to either accept or close.
2.Dynamic Content
A web page that has dynamically loaded content has elements
that may not be at first visible when you visit the site.
Sometimes Selenium will give you flaky tests, which means
they’ll come back as positive or negative when they actually are the opposite.
4. Mobile Testing
While Selenium WebDriver can test on any operating system
and browser on desktops, it’s limited when it comes to mobile testing in that
it cannot run on native operating systems like iOS and Android.
5. Limited Reporting
While Selenium will exponentially increase your automated
testing capabilities, because it’s an open source tool it is limited and
features and does not support much reporting on its own.
25. How can use Recovery Scenario in Selenium WebDriver?
Answer: Recovery scenarios depends upon the programming
language you use. If you are using Java then you can use exception handling to
overcome same. By using “Try Catch Block” within your Selenium WebDriver Java
26. Have you used any cross browser testing tool to run
Selenium Scripts on cloud?
Answer: We can
perform cross browser using TestNG framework.
Some other popular tools for cross browser testing are:
1) LambdaTest
LambdaTest is a cloud based platform that helps you perform
cross browser compatibility testing of your web app or websites. You can run
automated selenium scripts on LambdaTest's scalable cloud grid, or can even
perform live interactive testing on real browser environments.
Key Features:
Run Selenium automation tests on a scalable Selenium grid
having 2000+ browser environments
Execute automated screenshot and responsive testing of your
Test your locally or privately hosted website using SSH
One click bug logging to your favorite bug tracking tool
like Asana, BitBucket, GitHub, JIRA, Microsoft VSTS, Slack, Trello etc.
2) CrossBrowser Testing - Crossbrowser testing tool has wide
range of different browsers and their versions. It is available for multiple
OS. It supports over 1000 combinations of different browsers and O.S including
mobile browsers.
3) Browser-Stack- With browser stack it is possible to do
web based browser testing on desktop and mobile browser. It is cloud based and
so it does not require any installation, and the pre-installed developer tools
are useful for quick cross-browser testing and debugging. With browser-stack
you can set up a comprehensive testing environment with support for proxies,
firewalls and Active Directory. It supports opera mobile, Android, Windows (XP,
7 and 8), iOS, OSX snow leopard, lion and mountain lion and so on. Browser
stack allows you to test your pages remotely.
4) Sauce Labs- It is the leading cloud based web and mobile
app testing platform. It allows you to run tests in the cloud on more than 260
different browser platform and devices. There is no VM set up or maintenance
27. What are the DesiredCapabitlies in Selenium WebDriver and
their use?
Answer: Desired Capabilities is a class used to declare a
set of basic requirements such as combinations of browsers, operating systems,
browser versions, etc. to perform automated cross browser testing of a web
When we try to automate our test scripts through Selenium
automation testing, we need to consider these combinations to declare a
specific test environment over which our website or web application should
render seamlessly.
Desired Capabilities class is a component of the
org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities package. It helps Selenium
WebDriver set the properties for the browsers. So using different capabilities
from Desired Capabilities class we can set the properties of browsers. For
example, the name of the browser, the version of the browser, etc. We use these
capabilities as key-value pairs to set them for browsers.
28. While injecting capabilities in WebDriver to perform
tests on a browser (which is not supported by a webdriver), what is the
limitation that one can come across?'
Answer: Major limitation of injecting capabilities is that
“findElement” command may not work as expected.
29. List out the test types that are supported by Selenium?
Answer: Using Selenium type of testing can be done are:
- Functional Testing.
- Regression Testing.
- Sanity Testing.
- Smoke Testing.
- Responsive Testing.
- Cross Browser Testing.
- UI testing (black box)
- Integration Testing.
30. Explain what is assertion in Selenium and what are the
different types of assertions?
Answer: Please refer
answer of question#13
31. List out the technical challenges with Selenium?
Answer: The Most Common Selenium Challenges
Pop-up Windows. When a simple, prompt, or confirmation alert
pops-up, it can be difficult to automate it to either accept or close. ...
- Dynamic Content.
- Flakiness.
- Mobile Testing.
- Limited Reporting.
- Multi-tab Testing.
- Manual Testing.
- Scalability.
32. What is the difference between type keys and type
Answer: 1. The sendKeys" command does not replace the existing
text content in the text box whereas the "type" command replaces the
existing text content of the text box. 2. It will send explicit key events like
a user pressing a key on the keyboard.
33. While using click() command, can you use screen coordinates?
Answer: To click on specific part of element, you would need
to use clickAT command. ClickAt command
accepts element locator and x, y coordinates as arguments- clickAt (locator,
34. What are the four parameters you have to pass in Selenium?
Answer: In total,
there are four conditions (parameters) for Selenium to pass a test. These are
as follows: URL, host, browser and port number.
35. What is the difference between setSpeed() and sleep()
Answer: Both sleep()
and setSpeed() are used to delay the speed of execution. The main difference
between them is that: setSpeed sets a speed that will apply a delay time before
every Selenium operation. ... sleep() will set up wait only for once when
called.Both sleep() and setSpeed() are used to delay the speed of execution.
The main difference between them is that: setSpeed sets a speed that will apply
a delay time before every Selenium operation. ... sleep() will set up wait only
for once when called.
36. What is heightened privileged browsers?
Answer: The purpose
of heightened privileges is similar to Proxy Injection, allows websites to do
something that are not commonly permitted.
The key difference is that the browsers are launched in a
special mode called heightened privileges.
By using these browser mode, Selenium core can open the AUT directly and
also read/write its content without passing the whole AUT through the Selenium
RC server.
37. Which attribute you should consider throughout the
script in frame for (if no frame id as well as no frame name”)?
Answer: You can
This will return list of frames.
You will need to switch to each and every frame and search
for locator which we want.
38. List the advantages of Selenium WebDriver over Selenium
Answer: WebDriver is faster than Selenium RC because of its
simpler architecture. WebDriver directly talks to the browser while Selenium RC
needs the help of the RC Server in order to do so. WebDriver's API is more
concise than Selenium RC's. WebDriver can support HtmlUnit while Selenium RC
39. What are the challenges in handling AJAX calls in
Selenium WebDriver?
Answer: Please refer below article on waits
40. What is IntelliJ and how it is different from Eclipse
IntelliJ IDEA is the most powerful, popular, and
fully-featured IDE for Java Developers, which was released for the public in
2001. It is developed and maintained by Jet Brains Company. It is licensed by
Apache 2.0.
Eclipse is an open-source IDE for developing applications
using the Java, Python, Ruby, C, C++, etc. The IBM released it in 2001 under
the Eclipse Public License (EPL). It became popular soon for developing free
and commercial projects. Today, it became the most popular Java IDE.
System Requirements
We can install IntelliJ Idea on Windows, macOS and Linux
with the following hardware:
2 GB RAM minimum, 4 GB RAM recommended
1.5 GB hard disk space + at least 1 MB for caches
1024×768 minimum screen resolution
We can run Eclipse IDE on any platform that supports JVM
including Windows, macOS, Linux and Solaris. It demands the following hardware:
0.5 GB RAM minimum, 1+ GB RAM recommended
300 MB hard disk space minimum, 1+ GB recommended
Processor speed of 800 MHz minimum, 1.5 GHz or faster
41. What are Selenium WebDriver Listeners?
Answer: Listeners
“listen” to the event defined in the selenium script and behave accordingly.
The main purpose of using listeners is to create logs and reports. There are
many types of listeners such as WebDriver Event Listeners and TestNG Listeners.
We need to know the following class and interface when we
talk about listeners in Selenium.
WebDriverEventListener: This WebDriver Event Listener
interface allows us to implement the methods
Once the script is executed, Selenium WebDriver does perform
activities such as Type, Click, Navigate etc., To keep track of these
activities we use WebDriver Event Listeners interface.
EventFiringWebDriver: This EventFiringWebDriver class
actually fire WebDriver event
Lets see how to implement Listeners in Selenium WebDriver
42. What are the different types of Listeners in TestNG?
Answer: What is
Listeners in TestNG?
Listener is defined as interface that modifies the default
TestNG's behavior. As the name suggests Listeners "listen" to the
event defined in the selenium script and behave accordingly. It is used in
selenium by implementing Listeners Interface. It allows customizing TestNG
reports or logs. There are many types of TestNG listeners available.
There are many types of listeners which allows you to change
the TestNG's behavior.
Below are the few TestNG listeners:
- IAnnotationTransformer ,
- IAnnotationTransformer2 ,
- IConfigurable ,
- IConfigurationListener ,
- IExecutionListener,
- IHookable ,
- IInvokedMethodListener ,
- IInvokedMethodListener2 ,
- IMethodInterceptor ,
- IReporter,
- ISuiteListener,
- ITestListener .
ITestListener is one of the most important listener.
ITestListener has following methods
OnStart- OnStart method is called when any Test starts.
onTestSuccess- onTestSuccess method is called on the success
of any Test.
onTestFailure- onTestFailure method is called on the failure
of any Test.
onTestSkipped- onTestSkipped method is called on skipped of
any Test.
onTestFailedButWithinSuccessPercentage- method is called
each time Test fails but is within success percentage.
onFinish- onFinish method is called after all Tests are
43. What is the API that is required for implementing
Database Testing using Selenium WebDriver?
Answer: Selenium
WebDriver alone is ineligible to perform database testing but this can be done
using Java Database Connectivity API (JDBC). The API lets the user connect and
interact with the data source and fetch the data with the help of automated
44. When to use AutoIt?
Answer: AutoIt v3 is
also freeware. It uses a combination of mouse movement, keystrokes and window
control manipulation to automate a task which is not possible by selenium
Why Use AutoIt?
Selenium is an open source tool that is designed to automate
web-based applications on different browsers but to handle window GUI and non
HTML popups in application. AutoIT is required as these window based activity
are not handled by Selenium.
45. Why do we need Session Handling while using Selenium
Answer: During test
execution, the Selenium WebDriver has to interact with the browser all the time
to execute given commands.This can be achieved using Session Handling in
46. What is exception test in Selenium?
Answer: TestNG
provides an option of tracing the exception handling of code. You can test
whether a code throws a desired exception or not. Here the expectedExceptions
parameter is used along with the @Test annotation.
47. How do you achieve synchronization in WebDriver?
Answer: Please refer below article on waits
48. Can Bar Code Reader be automated using Selenium?
Answer: Selenium has limitation to automate Bar code but by
using third party API we can automate Bar codes. So, ZXing is one the third
party API will be used to automate Bar Codes.
49. What is Robot API? What methods of Robot class do you
Answer: As per the class description, this class is used to
generate native system input events. This class uses native system events to
control the mouse and keyboard.
java.awt.Robot class provides various methods needed for
controlling mouse and keyboard.
Following are some of the methods commonly used in browser
test automation:
Keyboard methods:
keyPress(int keycode): This method presses a given key. For
Example, keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT) method presses ”SHIFT’ key
keyRelease(int keycode): This method releases a given key.
For Example, keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT) method releases ”SHIFT” key
Mouse Methods:
mousePress(int buttons): This method presses one or more
mouse buttons.For Example, mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK) method is
used left click mouse button
mouseRelease(int buttons): This method releases one or more
mouse buttons. For Example, mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK) method
is used to release the left mouse button click
mouseMove(int x, int y): This method moves the mouse pointer
to given screen coordinates specified by x and y values. For Example,
mouseMove(100, 50) will move the mouse pointer to the x coordinate 100 and y
coordinate 50 on the screen.
50. Which package can be imported while working with
Answer: org.openqa.selenium
51. What is the purpose of deselectAll() method?
Answer: deselectAll() Method
deselectAll() method is useful to remove selection from all
selected options of select box. It will works with multiple select box when you
need to remove all selections. Syntax for deselectAll() method is as bellow.
Select listbox = new
52. What is the purpose of getOptions() method?
Answer: getOptions() is used to get all options from the
dropdown list. This gets the all options belonging to the Select tag. It takes
no parameter and returns List<WebElements>. Sometimes you may like to
count the element in the dropdown and multiple select box, so that you can use
the loop on Select element. Syntax for get method is:
Example : Select optionSelect = new
List <WebElement> elementCount =
53. What could be the cause for Selenium WebDriver test to
Answer: 1. Asynchronous websites
Selenium tests are developed keeping a particular order in
mind and when there are websites that are built using asynchronous
architecture. The order of response cannot be fixed at all times. In such
scenarios, sometimes the responses from the website are not in order. As a
result, the test case fails. Such failures are tough to debug as well because
they are not reproducible at all times.
2. Dynamic websites that change without refresh
Now websites are built that do a page reload or refresh
rarely and, all the changes happen dynamically using JavaScript on the same
page. In some scenarios, if there is a small error in one step, the whole test
case fails because there is no opportunity to reload or refresh the page.
3. Alerts, Pop-ups, Nested IFrames
Selenium Users faced problems while automating alerts,
pop-ups and Nested IFrames related functionalities on a website but with the
latest version of Selenium, this problem has been handled quite well.
4. Selenium WebDriver version mismatch
Selenium releases WebDrivers for supported browsers to
execute tests on them. If the installed browser on the system does not match
the versions supported by the web drivers, an exception like this is reported:
“This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 74”.
5. Selectors move on screen
Probably the single greatest cause of Selenium failures is
when a selector moves or subtly changes on screen.
54. Can we test APIs or web services using Selenium
Answer: To do API
testing, one should only use – Postman/Rest Assured (which is a Java based
library which possess inbuilt API methods)/Jmeter & Soap Ui. Selenium is an
API for automation of browsers. The API testing can be included in Selenium
framework. In postman, code for any API request can be generated.
55. What are some expected conditions that can be used in
Explicit Waits?
Answer: In order to
declare explicit wait, one has to use “ExpectedConditions”. The following
Expected Conditions can be used in Explicit Wait.
- alertIsPresent()
- elementSelectionStateToBe()
- elementToBeClickable()
- elementToBeSelected()
- frameToBeAvaliableAndSwitchToIt()
- invisibilityOfTheElementLocated()
- invisibilityOfElementWithText()
- presenceOfAllElementsLocatedBy()
- presenceOfElementLocated()
- textToBePresentInElement()
- textToBePresentInElementLocated()
- textToBePresentInElementValue()
- titleIs()
- titleContains()
- visibilityOf()
- visibilityOfAllElements()
- visibilityOfAllElementsLocatedBy()
- visibilityOfElementLocated()
WebDriverWait wait= new WebDriverWait(driver, 5);
56. What is HtmlUnitDriver?
Answer: HtmlUnit is a
headless web browser written in Java. It allows high-level manipulation of
websites from other Java code, including filling and submitting forms and
clicking hyperlinks. It also provides access to the structure and the details
within received web pages.
A headless browser is a web-browser without a graphical user
interface. This program will behave just like a browser but will not show any
Some of the examples of Headless Drivers include
- HtmlUnit
- Ghost
- PhantomJS
- ZombieJS
- Watir-webdriver
57. Name an API used for logging in Java?
Answer: util. logging. Logger is the class used to log
application messages in java logging API
58. What is the use of logging in Automation?
Answer: Advantages of Logging in Selenium Scripts:
Grants a complete understanding of test suites execution. Log
messages can be stored in external files for post-execution scrutiny. Logs are
an exceptional assistant in debugging the program execution issues and
59. Can Selenium Test an application on Android Browser?
Answer: Selenium
should be able to handle Android browser. There is a Selenium Android Driver
for running tests in Android browser.
You can use Selendroid or Appium framework to test native
apps or web apps in Android browser
60. Give the example for method overload in Selenium?
Answer: Method
overloading example
You want to have your own Listbox class to interact with
dropdown lists.
The Listbox class is just a wrapper around the Select class.
You want it to have simpler method names for selecting list
public class Listbox
Select list;
public Listbox(Select list) {
this.list = list;
public void select(int i) {
public void select(String text) {
public void deSelect(int i) {
public void deSelect(String text) {
//other methods }
61. What is WebDriverBackedSelenium?
Answer: WebDriverBackedSelenium is an implementation
of the Selenium-RC API by Selenium Webdriver, which is primarily provided for
backwards compatibility. It allows to test existing test suites using the
Selenium-RC API by using WebDriver under the covers
WebDriver Backed Selenium is used for migrating Selenium
1.0(Selenium RC) to Selenium WebDriver tests.
62. What is the use of contextClick()?
Answer: This method
is from Actions class.
ContextClick Method. Right-clicks the mouse at the last
known mouse coordinates. Right-clicks the mouse on the specified element.
Please refer below article:
63. How do you accommodate project specific method in your
Answer: 1st go
through all the manual test cases and identify the steps which are repeating.
Note down such steps and make them as methods and write into
64. What is Actions class in WebDriver and its methods?
Answer: Handling special keyboard and mouse events are done
using the Advanced User Interactions API. It contains the Actions and the
Action classes that are needed when executing these events.
Some Examples: Mouse double click, Drag and Drop, Handling
tooltip, Mouse hover, entering uppercase letters in the textbook using
Shift+Letters .
Actions Class: Actions class is an API for performing
complex user web interactions like double-click, right-click, etc. and it is
the only choice for emulating Keyboard and Mouse interactions.
Please refer below article:
65. What are different versions of Selenium available you
have used and what are the additional features you have seen from the previous
Selenium 1
Selenium RC
Essentially the same thing.
Selenium 1 has never been an official name, but is commonly used in
order to distinguish between versions.
Selenium 2
Selenium WebDriver
Essentially the same thing.
The term "Selenium WebDriver" is now more commonly used.
Selenium RC
Selenium WebDriver
Selenium RC is the predecessor of Selenium WebDriver.
It has been deprecated and now released inside Selenium WebDriver for
backward compatibility.
Selenium IDE
Selenium RC/WebDriver
Selenium IDE is a recording tool for automating Firefox, with the
ability to generate simple RC/WebDriver code.
Selenium RC/WebDriver are frameworks to automate browsers
Selenium Grid
Selenium WebDriver
Selenium Grid is a tool to execute Selenium tests in parallel on
different machines.
Selenium WebDriver is the core library to drive web browsers on a
single machine.
66. What are the challenges have you faced with Selenium and
how did you overcome them?
Answer: Some of the
challenges given below:
- We cannot test windows application.
- We cannot test mobile apps.
- Limited reporting.
- Handling dynamic Elements.
- Handling page load.
- Handling pop up windows.
- Handling captcha.
67. Which of the WebDriver APIs is the fastest and why?
Answer: Selenium is a GUI automated testing tool therefore
execution speed depends on how fast a particular browser can respond to action
events. PhantomJS or HtmlUnit for that matter would be the fastest in terms of
execution speed as both are headless browsers.
68. Give different examples for method overloading and
overriding in Selenium Project?
Answer: Please refer
last section in below article
69. How do you debug your automation code when it is not
working as expected?
Answer: Please refer
below article
70. What are the end methods you use for verifying whether
the end result is achieved by our Selenium automation scripts?
Answer: Answer will be provided soon
71. What is the use of property file in Selenium?
Answer: properties' files are mainly used in Java programs
to maintain project configuration data, database config or project settings
etc. Each parameter in properties file are stored as a pair of strings, in key
and value format, where each key is on one line.
It can also be used as object repository.
72. How will you ensure that the page has been loaded
Answer: Example for
using the above specified JavaScript code in Selenium for ensuring the
completeness of page loading: The below reusable user defined method can be
called anytime you want to check the completeness of page loading:
public void waitForPageLoad(WebDriver driver, int timeout) {
ExpectedCondition<Boolean> pageLoadCondition = new
ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() {
public Boolean apply(WebDriver driver) {
return ((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript(“return
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, timeout);
We can call the above method using the following method
calling statement:
waitForPageLoad(driver, 30); //waits till page load gets
completed by setting a time limit of 30 seconds
73. Class.forName(X). What will you write in place of X?
Answer: Class.forName("X")
loads the class if it not already loaded. The JVM keeps track of all the
classes that have been previously loaded. This method uses the classloader of
the class that invokes it. The "X" is the fully qualified name of the
desired class.
74. Explain about typecasting?
Answer: Type casting
in Java is to cast one type, a class or interface, into another type i.e.
another class or interface. Since Java is an Object oriented programming
language and supports both Inheritance and Polymorphism, It’s easy that Super
class reference variable is pointing to SubClass object but the catch here is
that there is no way for Java compiler to know that a Superclass variable is
pointing to SubClass object. Which means you can not call a method which is
declared in the subclass. In order to do that, you first need to cast the
Object back into its original type. This is called type casting in Java.
75. What is the default timeout of Selenium WebDriver?
Answer: The default WebDriver setting for timeouts is never.
WebDriver will sit there forever waiting for the page to load. Apparently there
is a timeout. It is 30 minutes long.
76. What is the difference between isDisplayed() and
isEnabled() functions in Selenium WebDriver?
Answer: isDisplayed()
is capable to check for the presence of all kinds of web elements available.
isEnabled() is the method used to verify if the web element is enabled or
disabled within the webpage. isEnabled() is primarily used with buttons.
77. Can you test flash images in Selenium?
Answer: Yes
Why flash object capturing is difficult? How is it resolved?
Flash is an outdated technology. It is difficult to capture
a flash object as it is different from HTML. Also, Flash is an embedded SWF
file (Small Web Format). It is also difficult to access Flash object on a
mobile device.
Difference between the Flash and other element.
As mentioned above, the main difference between flash and
other element is that Flash is embedded in SWF files, while other elements are
embedded in HTML files. That's why HTML is easy to capture compared to flash.
Below are the requirements in order to test the flash
Flash Application.
Support web browser.
Adobe Flash player plugins.
78. How
to verify whether an object is present on the multiple pages?
Answer: answer will be provided soon.
79. Which driver implementation will allow headless mode?
Answer: HTML
UnitDriver is the most light weight and fastest implementation headless browser
for of WebDriver. It is based on HtmlUnit. It is known as Headless Browser
Driver. It is same as Chrome, IE, or FireFox driver, but it does not have GUI
so one cannot see the test execution on screen.
80. What are important Classes in WebDriver?
Answer: The major
implementation classes of WebDriver interface are ChromeDriver, EdgeDriver,
FirefoxDriver, InternetExplorerDriver etc. Each driver class corresponds to a
browser. We simply create the object of the driver classes and work with them.
It helps you to execute Selenium Scripts on Chrome browser.
81. What is Sikuli, its purpose and explain more about it?
Answer: Sikuli is a
scripting language which helps us to automate Software testing of Graphical
User Interface(GUI). ... It basically uses image recognition technology as it
helps us to identify and control GUI components. It is robust and powerful GUI
automation tool.
82. What is Robot Class and explain more about it?
Answer: Answer given
in question#49
83. What is AutoIt and explain more about it?
Answer: AutoIt is an open source automation language for
Windows operating system. AutoIt uses the combination of simulated keystrokes,
mouse movement, and window manipulation in order to perform user interface
84. What
is the difference between AutoIt, Sikuli and Robot Class?
Answer: answer will be provided soon.
85. Which
is best in AutoIt, Sikuli and Robot Class along with reasons?
Answer: answer will be provided soon.
86. What classes you will use for reading the PDF files?
Answer: We will use
PDFBox API to read PDF file using Java code.
87. What is the use of pdfstripper class?
Answer: Class
PDFTextStripper. This class will take a pdf document and strip out all of the
text and ignore the formatting and such. Please note; it is up to clients of
this class to verify that a specific user has the correct permissions to
extract text from the PDF document.
88. What is verbose?
Answer: TestNG - Verbose Attribute [Selenium Users] Verbose
Attribute lets you obtain clear reports through IDE console. This attribute
will be placed inside the <Suite> tag of testng.xml as shown below:
<suite name="Suite" parallel="tests"
89. What is thread count?
Answer: It's the number
of tests that are run at the same time. It takes up more slots in the grid
because is uses one grid slot per test run. It's like saying how many cars in a
fleet that you want on the highway at the same time. If you say you want them
to take up three lanes, then they will take up no more than three lanes, but it
will take longer to get all cars through. If you say five lanes, then they will
take up no more than five lanes, but it will take less time to get all cars
90. What is the difference between build and perform methods
in Actions Class?
Answer: build()
method in Actions class is use to create chain of action or operation you want
to perform. perform() this method in Actions Class is use to execute chain of
action which are build using Action build method.
91. How will you install ReportNG in your project?
Answer: ReportNG is a
simple plug-in for the TestNG unit-testing framework to generate HTML reports
as a replacement for the default TestNG HTML reports. You can also customize
html report with the help of TestNG listeners.
To use ReportNG reports we need to follow the below three
Step 1: Add the below Jars Files to your project.
Step 2: To make sure reportNG reports, we need to disable
the default TestNG Listeners.
It can be done by following the below steps:
1. Right Click on Properties
2. Click on TestNG
3. You will find an option as "Disable default
listeners", check the checbox
4. Click on "Apply" button, it will show as
message as "Project preferences are saved".
5. Now Click on "OK" button.
Step 3: We need to add the below two listeners to testng.xml
Finally testng.xml file should look as the below for the
given example :
"http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd" >
<suite name="Suite1" verbose="1" >
name="Regression Test Suite"
name="packOne" />
name="packTwo" />
92. Why do we go for Apache POI API? What is its purpose?
Answer: Apache POI (Poor Obfuscation Implementation) is an
API written in Java to support read and write operations – modifying office
files. This is the most common API used for Selenium data driven tests to
read/write excel file.
93. Why do we provide “//” in java while fetching a path of
Answer: In a string a single backslash is a so-called
'escape' character. This is used to include special characters like tab (\t) or
a new line (\n). In order to specify a backslash in the case of a path you will
have to 'espace' the single slash using the escape character, which means that
you will have to write a double backslash.
94. What is an object array and why do we use it for data
Answer: An array of array of objects (Object[][]) where the
first dimension's size is the number of times the test method will be invoked
and the second dimension size contains an array of objects that must be
compatible with the parameter types of the test method
The reason is quite simple as we get test data in forms of
rows and columns so that we need 2D object (object type because we are free to
pass any type data String, int etc.) array.
An important features provided by TestNG is the testng
DataProvider feature. It helps you to write data-driven tests which essentially
means that same test method can be run multiple times with different data-sets.
A Data Provider is a method on your class that returns an
array of array of objects.
//This method will provide data to any test method that
declares that its Data Provider
//is named "test1"
@DataProvider(name = "test1")
public Object[][] createData1() {
return new Object[][]
"Cedric", new Integer(36) },
{ "Anne",
new Integer(37)},
//This test method declares that its data should be supplied
by the Data Provider
//named "test1"
@Test(dataProvider = "test1")
public void verifyData1(String n1, Integer n2) {
+ " " + n2);
95. In how many ways, can I take keyboard inputs?
Answer: There are
many ways to read data from the keyboard in java:
- InputStreamReader Class.
- Scanner Class.
- Using Command Line Arguments.
- Console Class.
96. Is
it possible to compare two images with Sikuli?
Answer: answer will be provided soon.
97. What is the difference between “type” and “typeAndWait”
Answer: "type"
command is used to type keyboard key values into the text box of software web
application. It can also be used for selecting values of combo box whereas
"typeAndWait" command is used when your typing is completed and
software web page start reloading. This command will wait for software
application page to reload. If there is no page reload event on typing, you
have to use a simple "type" command.
98. How can you run Selenium Server other than the default
port 4444?
Answer: The Hub will
listen to port 4444 by default. You can view the status of the hub by opening a
browser window and navigating to http://localhost:4444/grid/console. To change
the default port, you can add the optional -port flag with an integer
representing the port to listen to when you run the command.
99. Explain how you can capture server side log Selenium
Answer: Selenium RC Server Logging has two options:
Server-Side Logs and Browser-Side Logs.
Server-Side Logs:
When launching Selenium server with the -log option, the
server can record valuable debugging information reported by the Selenium
Server to a text file.
For example: this command below will create a file named
"selenium.log" under c:\SeleniumTestCase folder.
C:\selenium-java-2.39.0>java -jar
selenium-server-standalone-2.39.0.jar -log c:\SeleniumTestCase\selenium.log
Another example: this example below creates a debug.log file
with debug information and nnn.log file
C:\selenium-java-2.39.0>java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.39.0.jar
-debug -log c:\SeleniumTestCase\debug.log -DSelenium.LOGGER=nnn.log
Setting system property Selenium.LOGGER to nnn.log
Browser-Side Logs:
JavaScript on the browser side also logs important messages.
To access browser-side logs, pass the -browserSideLog argument to the Selenium
For example: this command below creates a log on the browser
side under c:\SeleniumTestCase folder. If -log option is not defined, the
server console will display all the debug information.
C:\selenium-java-2.39.0>java -jar
selenium-server-standalone-2.39.0.jar -browserSideLog -log
100. Can you handle flash using web driver?
Answer: Answer given
in question#77
101. What is the difference between dragAndDrop() and dragAndDropBy()?
Answer: The Actions
class has two methods that support Drag and Drop.
Actions.dragAndDrop(Sourcelocator, Destinationlocator)
In dragAndDrop method, we pass the two parameters -
First parameter "Sourcelocator" is the element
which we need to drag
Second parameter "Destinationlocator" is the
element on which we need to drop the first element
Actions.dragAndDropBy(Sourcelocator, x-axis pixel of
Destinationlocator, y-axis pixel of Destinationlocator)
dragAndDropBy method we pass the 3 parameters -
First parameter "Sourcelocator" is the element
which we need to drag
The second parameter is x-axis pixel value of the 2nd
element on which we need to drop the first element.
The third parameter is y-axis pixel value of the 2nd element
on which we need to drop the first element.
102. What is the use of getPageSource()?
Answer: There is a
method called getPageSource() in selenium webdriver. It returns string, so you
can either store it in a file or can print it in the console.
103. What
is bitmap Comparison? Why we use it in Selenium WebDriver?
Answer: Please refer below link
104. Tell me some of the tools name which is used to store
the script in common place?
Answer: SVN, GitHub
105. What is an assertion? What is its drawback? How to
overcome it?
Answer: Assertions
verify that the state of the application is same to what we are expecting.
Selenium Assertions can be of three types: “assert”, “verify”, and ” waitFor”.
When an “assert” fails, the test is aborted. When a “verify” fails, the test
will continue execution, logging the failure.
Please refer detail answer in question#13
106. What is a headless browser?
Answer: Please refer answer from question#17
107. Have you ever done profiling of a web page?
Answer: profile is the collection of settings,
customization, add-ons and other personalization settings that can be done on
the Firefox Browser. You can customize profile to suit your Selenium automation
108. What are the different methods available in selenium
Answer: 1. get ().
It is used to open specified url browser in windows.
//to launch the browser
driver. get(http://google.com);
2. getCurrentUrl().
Its Returns title of the Browser
//to launch the browser
String url=driver.getCurrentUrl();
3. getTitle().
It is used to get the title of current web page
//to launch the browser
String title=driver.getTitle();
4. getPageSource().
It is used to get the source of current load page
//to launch the browser
String pagesource=driver.getPageSource();
5. findElement().
It is used to find the first WebElement using the given
//to launch the browser
WebElement gmaillink=driver.findElement(By.id());
6. findElements().
It is used to find all elements within the current page
//to launch the browser
//to findelements
List links=driver.findElements(By.TagName(“a”));
//Counting no of links in result page
7. close().
Close the current window, if there are multiple windows, it
will close the current window which is active and quits the browser if it’s the
last window opened currently.
8. quit().
It is used to close every associated window which is opened.
9. getWindowHandle().
Whenever the web driver launches the browser it assigns the
unique id to that browser which is called as window handler. This can be
captured through the method.
Syntax: driver.getWindowhandle().
10. getWindowHandles().
Whenever multiple windows are opened by webdriver and we
want to capture all their ids. We use this method.
Syntax: getWindowHandles().
11. switchTo().
Used to switch from one window to another window (or) window
to a frame (or) frame to a window (or) window to an alert
12. navigate().
The driver to access the browser’s history and to navigate
to a given URL&Refresh page.
//navigate to page
driver.navigate().to(“http://estestinghub.com “);
//navigate to back
//navigate to forward
//navigate to refresh page
13. manage().
This is used to perform maximize the size of the window.
Web operations on web Elements
This is used to click on webelements like link, button,
radio group, checkbox, images…etc.
Purpose: This is used to sending inputs into text fields and
text areas, and also used to select value from the drop down box.
Purpose: This is used to clear the input from existing data.
Purpose: This is used to capture text of the webElement.
5. getTagName()
Purpose: This is used to capture html tag of the webElement.
This is used to capture X and Y co-ordinates of webelement
in the application.
This is used to check, is the check-box is currently checked
or unchecked to checked Radio buttons are selected or not.
8. isDisplayed()
This is a Boolean condition. It is used to either an element
is visible or not.
If an element is displayed it gives true and an element is
not displayed it gives false.
9. IsEnabled()
This is a Boolean condition. It is used to either an element
is enable or not.
If an element is enable it gives true and an element is
disable it gives false.
10.getAttribute ()
This is used to capture the attributes which are present in
web applications.
109. Which time unit we provide In time test? minutes?
seconds? milliseconds? or hours? Give Example?
110. Can we use implicitly wait() and explicitly wait()
together in the test case?
Answer: Implicit wait
destroys meaning of using explicit wait when using together. So it is advised
not to use implicit wait and explicit wait together. Actually when we use both
waits together, both waits will be applied at the same time and it get messed
Now we will see reason behind these using below scenarios:
1. Explicit Wait= Implicit Wait (Say 10 seconds)
Both waits get activated at same time to locate element.
Explicit wait keeps searching for an element till it is found and implicit wait
allows webdriver to search till timeout. When explicit wait starts and looks
for element, because of implicit wait it needs to wait for 10 seconds because
element is not found. So both waits completes 10 seconds wait time.
2. Implicit wait(20) > Explicit Wait(10)
When explicit wait stars looking for element, it needs to
wait for 20 seconds because of implicit wait time.
3. Implicit wait(10) < Explicit Wait(20)
When explicit wait starts looking for element, it needs to
wait for 10 seconds because of implicit wait. After that implicit wait throws
exception because of not able to locate element. Exception stops explicit wait to search
further and does not allow to reach its timeout.
Few more points to remember:
1. The most widely used waits are implicit and explicit
waits. Fluent waits are not preferable for real-time projects.
2. We use FluentWait commands mainly when we have web
elements which sometimes visible in few seconds and some times take more time
than usual. Mostly in Ajax applications.
3. We use mostly explicit wait because it is for specific
condition/element and we have more flexibility in using explicit rather than
111. Does selenium support https protocols ?
Answer: Yes
112. What is object repository and explain page factory
Answer: Page Object Model is an Object Repository design
pattern in Selenium WebDriver. POM creates our testing code maintainable,
reusable. Page Factory is an optimized way to create object repository in POM
Page Object Model is an Object Repository design pattern in
Selenium WebDriver. POM creates our testing code maintainable, reusable. Page
Factory is an optimized way to create object repository in POM concept.
What is Page Factory?
Page Factory is an inbuilt Page Object Model concept for
Selenium WebDriver but it is very optimized.
we follow the concept of separation of Page Object
Repository and Test Methods. Additionally, with the help of PageFactory class,
we use annotations @FindBy to find WebElement. We use initElements method to
initialize web elements
@FindBy can accept tagName, partialLinkText, name, linkText,
id, css, className, xpath as attributes.
Let's look at the below example using Page Factory.
package PageFactory;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.support.FindBy;
import org.openqa.selenium.support.PageFactory;
public class HomePage {
WebDriver driver;
Guru99HomePage(WebDriver driver){
this.driver =
initElements method will create all WebElements
PageFactory.initElements(driver, this);
//Get the User
name from Home Page
public String
return homePageUserName.getText();
113. What is log4j and how did you use in web driver?
Log4j is an open source logging framework. With log4j –
logging behavior can be controlled by editing a configuration file only without
touching the application binary and can be used to store the Selenium
Automation flow logs. It equips the user with detailed context for application
log4j has 3 major components:
Loggers – It is used for logging information. To use loggers
we need to take care of things mentioned below:
Create object of logger class: Logger class is a Java-based
utility which has all the generic methods in it to use log4j (To use Logger
class we need to Import org.apache.log4j.Logger)
Define the log level: We can define the log levels in
multiple forms and levels available are:
All – This level of logging will log everything, it is
intended to turn on all logging.
DEBUG – It saves the debugging information and is most
helpful to debug an application.
INFO – It prints informational message that highlights the
progress of the application.
WARN – It designates potentially harmful situations.
ERROR – It designates error events that might still allow
the application to continue running.
FATAL – It designates very severe error events that will
presumably lead the application to crash
OFF – It is intended to turn off logging.
Appenders – In log4j, an output destination is called an
appender. It allows the destination where the logs would get saved. It supports
the following types of appenders:-
ConsoleAppender – It logs to some standard output.
File appender – It prints logs to some file at a particular
Rolling file appender – It is used to for a log file with
maximum size.
Layouts – It is used to format the logging information in
different style.
114. Why we use selenium grid and jenkins and advantages of
Answer: Selenium Grid
is a part of the Selenium Suite that specializes in running multiple tests
across different browsers, operating systems, and machines in parallel.
Selenium Grid uses a hub-node concept where you only run the
test on a single machine called a hub, but the execution will be done by
different machines called nodes.
When to Use Selenium Grid?
You should use Selenium Grid when you want to do either one
or both of following:
Run your tests against different browsers, operating
systems, and machines all at the same time. This will ensure that the
application you are Testing is fully compatible with a wide range of
browser-O.S combinations.
Save time in the execution of your test suites. If you set
up Selenium Grid to run, say, 4 tests at a time, then you would be able to
finish the whole suite around 4 times faster.
Jenkins is an open source automation tool written in Java
with plugins built for Continuous Integration purpose. Jenkins is used to build
and test your software projects continuously making it easier for developers to
integrate changes to the project, and making it easier for users to obtain a
fresh build.
115. How many types of reports you will generate in your
Answer: What are the
essential qualities of a good test report?
Brevity –
A report should be short and concise.
It should reveal the total no. of successes as well as
Trackability –
Captures all the footprints that could lead to the root
cause of a failure.
Traceability –
It must provide the ability to review the following.
Historical data for test cases and failures
Age of a particular defect
Sharable –
It should support a format that you can share through email
or integrate with CI tools like Jenkins/Bamboo.
Test coverage –
It should highlight the test coverage for the following.
Test coverage of the module under test.
Test coverage of the application under test.
Selenium Webdriver doesn’t have a built-in reporting
feature, but there are plugins like the TestNG and JUnit which can add this
TestNG HTML Report Generation.
Generating Extent HTML Reports.
116. Which is fastest web browser
Answer: Opera is the
fastest browser in a recent test. PC World, one of the world's leading
technology publications, recently took a more in-depth look at the top 5 web
browsers for computers: Opera, Firefox, Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Internet
117. For a simple single page how to start automation
Answer: answer will be provided soon
118. Diff between findby, findbys, findAll
Answer: @FindBys will
return the elements depending upon how @FindBy specified inside it. to put it
in simple words, @FindBys have AND conditional relationship among the @FindBy
whereas @FindAll has OR conditional relationship.
119. Challenges in Selenium and how to overcome?
Answer: Please refer answer from question#31, 66
120. what
are static members in selenium?
Answer: answer will be provided soon
121. which version of selenium?
Answer: Mention the
version of selenium you are using. Like
Selenium 3.
122. which version of Eclipse?
Answer: Mention the version of eclipse you are using
123. How do you use action class?
Answer: Refer below
124. what is assert class?
Answer: The assert methods are provided by the class org.
junit. Assert which extends java. ... Object class. There are various types of
assertions like Boolean, Null, Identical etc.
125. Difference between pom.xml and testng.xml
Answer: testng. xml
is the configuration for TestNG testing framework (e.g. defining test suites,
test listeners, etc.) pom. xml is the configuration for Maven build tool (e.g.
defining build plugins, compile and test dependencies, build profiles, etc.)
126. Can we give priority as –ve
Answer: Yes
Priority is an element applicable only for @Test annotated
methods. Priority should be an integer value. It can be negative , zero or
positive number. ... TestNG will execute test methods from lowest to highest
127. Diff between selenium 1, 2, 3 ,4?
Answer: Please refer
below article
128. When to use explicit wait?
Answer: Please refer below article
129. What
is by and what it returns?
Answer: By is a class and Mechanism used to locate elements
within a document. In order to create your own locating mechanisms, it is possible
to subclass this class and override the protected methods as required, though
it is expected that all subclasses rely on the basic finding mechanisms
provided through static methods of this class.
130. Diff among implicit, explicit and fluent wait
Answer: Please refer below article
131. How
to handle null pointer exception after importing a project in eclipse
Answer: answer will be provided soon
132. When to use soft assertion
Answer: When an
assert fails the test script stops execution unless handled in some form. We
call general assert as Hard Assert
Hard Assert – Hard Assert throws an AssertException immediately
when an assert statement fails and test suite continues with next @Test
The disadvantage of Hard Assert – It marks method as fail if
assert condition gets failed and the remaining statements inside the method
will be aborted.
To overcome this we need to use Soft Assert. Let’s see what
is Soft Assert.
Soft Assert – Soft Assert collects errors during @Test. Soft
Assert does not throw an exception when an assert fails and would continue with
the next step after the assert statement.
If there is any exception and you want to throw it then you
need to use assertAll() method as a last statement in the @Test and test suite
again continue with next @Test as it is.
133. How
to login any application using 5 different users at the same time?
Answer: Using parallel
testing by passing parameters from testng.xml
Here I have given example of two user login:
Test Class:
public class Login {
WebDriver driver;
public void loginTest(String userName, String password) {
driver = new ChromeDriver();
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "https://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd">
<suite name="Suite" parallel="tests">
<test name="Test1">
<parameter name="Username" value="admin"></parameter>
<parameter name="Password" value="admin123"></parameter>
<class name="com.package1.Login"/>
</test> <!-- Test -->
<test name="Test2">
<parameter name="Username" value="admin1"></parameter>
<parameter name="Password" value="admin1234"></parameter>
<class name="com.package1.Login"/>
</test> <!-- Test -->
</suite> <!-- Suite -->
134. driver.get or driver.navigate.get which one is faster ?
Answer: main difference between get() and navigate() is,
both are performing the same task but with the use of navigate() you can move
back() or forward() in your session's history.
navigate() is faster than get() because navigate() does not
wait for the page to load fully or completely.
135. How to do Parellel testing and cross browser testing
Answer: answer will be provided soon
136. Diff between seleniumatandalone and selenium-jar files
Answer: Selenium server standalone jar is a library that
provides you the classes of Selenium automation framework.
Just for additional info, selenium-standalone-server.jar is
a bundled jar that contains both API and selenium server.
Selenium server is required to run older selenium RC tests
or to run WebDriver tests in remote machines through selenium Grid.
137. Diff B/W java script click and normal click?
Answer: click is a function on HTML elements you can call to
trigger their click handlers: element. ... onclick is a property that reflects
the onclick attribute and allows you to attach a "DOM0" handler to
the element for when clicks occur: element.
138. What is the diff between profiles vs options vs
Answer: Capabilities
are options that you can use to customize and configure a ChromeDriver session.
This page documents all ChromeDriver supported capabilities and how to use
There are two ways to specify capabilities.
The first is to use the ChromeOptions class.
If your client library does not have a ChromeOptions class
(like the selenium ruby client), you can specify the capabilities directly as
part of the DesiredCapabilities.
139. What are the new things in geckodriver
Answer: answer will be provided soon
140. What is the diff b/w POM with and without page factory?
Answer: Page Object Model (POM) and Page Factory has
following differences:
A Page Object Model is a test design pattern which says
organize page objects as per pages in such a way that scripts and page objects
can be differentiated easily. A Page Factory is one way of implementing
PageObject Model which is inbuilt in selenium.
In POM, you define locators using ‘By’ while in Page
Factory, you use FindBy annotation to define page objects.
Page Object Model is a design approach while PageFactory is
a class which provides implementation of Page Object Model design approach.
POM is not optimal as it does not provide lazy
initialization while Page Factory provides lazy initialization.
Plain POM will not help in StaleElementReferecneException
while Page Factory takes care of this exception by relocating web element every
time whenever it is used.
In plain page object model, you need to initialize every
page object individually otherwise you will encounter NullPointerException
while In PageFactory all page objects are initialized (Lazily) by using
initElements() method.
141. Diff between pause and thread.sleep?
Answer: The major difference is that wait() releases the
lock or monitor while sleep() does
142. What is the usage of remote web driver?
Answer: RemoteWebDriver is an implementation class of the
WebDriver interface that a test script developer can use to execute their test
scripts via the RemoteWebDriver server on a remote machine.
143. Is selenium supports angular jar?
Answer: There is a library called ngWebDriver that is
designed to automate AngularJS and Angular Web Applications using Selenium with
Java. ... No need to write extra JavaScript for Angular Requests Waiting. It
provides new locating techniques to use Angular Specific Attributes.
144. Diff between isDisplayed and isPresent?
Answer: There is a major difference between isDisplayed()
and isPresent(). isDisplayed() - Your element is present on the page but it is
displayed. isPresent() - Your element is present in entire DOM of the page.
Probably it can be hidden or not disabled, but present.
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